When I say no worries
it means that I love you
and take your time but hurry up
it means call me back
when you are ready to
but please remember
my heart is waiting
in my throat.
and since I haven’t heard
from you yet
I understand that you
don’t understand.
or you don’t care.
I’d prefer to believe the former,
but I think it might be the latter.

Her Two Cents offers daily commentary on missed connections selected to appear on Lovelorn Poets.
Her Two Cents on No Worries
Bostonian Poet, it appears you are in a situation of communicating, “No worries!” with a bright happy face but inside you are a seething mass of insecurity. True, one needs to maintain a semblance of measured composure in the early stages of a relationship (lest you discover that the object of your head over heels infatuation is nothing more than false advertising) but there comes a point when you must speak your mind and declare, “TAKE A SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT!” (or something to that effect)
Gentle Readers: While our lovelorn poet is sitting in limbo waiting for that call/text/status update, how long would you wait for the object of your affection to respond? At what point would you consider “cutting the bait” and moving on to fresh waters?