Looking for the brown haired girl who was wearing a Lee Evans jersey.
You tried to sell me a used ticket stub for 20 dollars.
Out of anger I called you a dirty little hamster and then proceeded to tell you to lick my balls.
You then started to chase me down on foot for what seemed like a mile.
I eventually hid out near the porta-potties where I lost you.
You told my friend you were going to find me and punch me in the face but I’m here to make that easier for you.
I hope we can put our issues behind us and be friends because I think you’re hot.
Previous Post: I Love You, Mister. I Miss You. (Minneapolis / St. Paul)
Great pic! Where/how do you come up with these?
Thanks! I’m sure the hamster modeling agent was a bit upset with the slightly sexualized content (“It was supposed to be a pet store holiday photo-shoot!”) but hey, it worked for Madonna, right? All the images come from Flickr Creative Commons and we have our own Gallery on the site. Visit the Flickr Poets link under Lovetown Attractions to see all the artwork and photography featured on the site.