The Lovelorn Poet from Asheville, NC wrote:
“We had a brief conversation about the health aspects of luncheon meats Sunday evening…”
So, you found yourself tongue-tied and twisted in the grocery store deli aisle when presented with the object of your desire. Rest assured, dear poet, that the hunting and gathering of food is still a desirable mate-trait, so just showing up to shop scores you points. Now get on your game and get back to the grocery store!
Gentle Readers: In reviewing the situation in the deli aisle what is your opinion on the ham vs. bologna debate? Can love of bologna be a date-breaker?
Au Coeur says
Yep. Bologna-love is a deal breaker even if it’s first name is O-S-C-A-R. This is me being a health food nut…but anyone over the age of 10 who knowing eats that stuff doesn’t have enough respect for his or her body. Total waste of calories.