The Lovelorn Poet from Brooklyn wrote:
” …I told you that it was good that you didn’t touch it because a lot of bats have rabies! For real! You called me your hero! Which I thought was an exaggeration, but very complimentary nonetheless. It was then that I noticed that you had warm eyes and a beautiful smile. I didn’t stop though because, well, I’m not sure.”
Could the return of the myotis lucifungus to this dense urban area be a sign that all those illegal roof-top gardens and beehives in Williamsburg are actually altering the environment for the better? Hmmm… Regardless, dear Brooklyn poet, your act of assistance is an upstanding one and shows you are not afraid to take action when presented with small furry critters. I see many invitations to help eliminate kitchen mice problems in your future.
Gentle Readers: In reviewing the actions taken by our brave Brooklyn bat-banisher what is your opinion of giving and/or receiving help from random strangers? Do you appreciate it? Find it kind of creepy? Worry about legal action in the event of good-deeds-gone-wrong?