I was looking in the cold case for something to eat
and you asked if I needed anything.
I said no and you replied that perhaps you should sing for me
while I decided on what to buy.
I guess you didn’t expect me to be so enthusiastic about being serenaded
while shopping
because you couldn’t think of a song.
But you’re the cutest thing since sliced bread and pickled peaches,
even if I ended up going to the hotbar for dinner.
Previous Post: Lovelorn Poet in Fargo: Eyes – Illusion Haiku
Dear Lovelorn Poet,
I remember our interaction, and admit that I could not think of a single song, or one that would be fitting for a food browsing. I was embarrassed that I could not think of one, and tactfully ducked away. In fact, I haven’t offered a song since…though perhaps I should think of one. Instead I have been giving out bad jokes and trying to learn sign language for one gentleman who needs it.
Do you have any good songs? My sister use to sing a lot when we were younger, she would walk around the house in song, and now whenever I hear random singing, I remember that…
Greenlife Poet
PS. I’m afraid that I did not find you…but one of my friends did, and said “Hey, you have a missed connection!”
Hello hello Greenlife Poet!
While the connection with your fellow food shopper is still a missed one, we’re happy you found us. 🙂 It really is amazing just how many people have missed connections in grocery stores (Greenlife in particular).
Finding a good food serenade song is going to depend on your vocal range and overall singing aptitude. You don’t want to belt out a Mariah Carey’s “Vision of Love” and end up sounding like a yowling cat. I’d go with practicing the old Gershwin standard, “Lets’ Call the Whole Thing Off” which has the well known line of “…you say tomato and I say to-mat-to you say potato and I say pa-tat-to… ” that one isn’t terribly challenging and will certainly get a smile from anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock for last 50 years.
Good luck!