Note from the Chief Bottle Finder: This message reminded me of Liz Phair’s 1993 debut, Exile in Guyville. I spent years with the CD in my car… Liz was so great when her hair was brown and now ???? I just can’t talk about it without sounding like a jilted lover.
Every time I sleep with someone,
I wake up the next morning with them still next to me
(because a lady doesn’t kick anyone out of their bed)
and I play the game, say something funny, get them to laugh a few times,
then let them get out at their own rate.
Stay sometime, you bastards.
Stay in bed with me and let gravity do the work,
let me whisper dirty jokes to you and try to send my secrets to you with nothing more than my eyes.
Let’s hear the birds sing, the cars drive, the sprinklers jet, let the god damned world spin by two boys beneath the blankets and above the sheets.
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Love, love this.
Me too – such a sad, romantic, wistful message. I hope the right boyfriend comes along some day for our writer… “the kind of guy who tries to win you over.” Until then, he can commiserate with Liz.