Missed Connection if Seattle, WA: Stay Golden Pony Boy
You rock my world more than you know.
Your sweetness knows no bounds.
You had stolen my heart long before
I realized what I was missing.
And now,
separated by thousands of miles,
I am lonely.
An immediate lonliness,
from the moment I left
And I can’t wait to come home
Because all the sun
and sand in the world
Doesn’t have as much light as your smile.
I love you.
Her Two Cents on Stay Golden Pony Boy
While The Outsiders if often the reference point for Pony Boy messages (there was a time it was required reading for high school students), I can’t help but think about Michel Gondry’s The Science of Sleep – which is one of my favorite films of all time (putting me in a very small club of people as most folks watch this one and scratch their heads in confusion). Like the film, maybe this Seattle couple will be able to ride Golden the Pony Boy across a field a dreams to the boat that will take them across the ocean.
Gentle Readers: While we’re on the topic of well known books and films, what is one that you particularly identify with – either right now or in the distant past?