Missed Connection in Ann Arbor, MI
Your name tag says Yams, among other things
You are quite captivating, that smile
We made quick small talk about the recipe I was trying out.
I could have talked to you for hours but there were customers behind me.
Maybe I can try out a new recipe with you…
Her Two Cents on Yams
Here’s another addition to our Supermarket Stories category. Could it be that this person’s name is actually Yams? Was the writer buying yams while talking to someone with the name of Yams? Hmmm… and really, just what is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato? Does it matter?
Gentle Readers: Our collection of lovelorn supermarket shoppers is certainly growing. Which leads me to wonder, how many people have ever switched check-out lanes so they could have their items rung up or bagged by someone they thought was attractive? Be honest!