Missed Connections in Asheville, NC
Constantinople before 1453?
You were there in your reddest of reds, and I with my stylishly out of place pork-pie hat?
Those where the days.
I long to take you back to the Black Sea, and float you there on your back with your eyes fixed on the firmament, feed you dates and Twinkies.
We could talk about our lack of stylish furniture and how that in fact makes us more stylish, more avant-garde.
How this whole wide world is full crooked beasts and we are the last two pure good things.
I want to take you penguin hunting, and dress you in ermine, maybe get a pet ocelot.
Please, just tell me your name!
Note from the Missed Connections Chief Bottle Finder: It took me a very long time to find just the right image for this message! Something with an ocelot? No… How about Constantinople? Nah… porkpie hat? Close but nope… There were lots of great images for red dress but this one by Franckie Alarcon perfectly captured the whirlwind exotic romanticism of our Asheville poet.