Missed Connections in Nashville, TN
Long Shadows
Long shadows
Like giants
Details of the night’s silhouette
Magnified a thousand times
Closing my eyes
I see just one shadow
Long shadows
Darkness and light and distance combined
Impossible to reach out and touch
I try
I want to be pulled into that world
To get a look at here from there
Long shadows
The night’s gift
A reflection in a mirror of darkness
And a carnival funhouse
Looking back at us
And wondering what it is they see
Her Two Cents on Long Shadows
This is the third MC from Nashville that’s been featured and it’s the first to be written in poem form. While I like the message, when combined with the Victorian clip art illustration the tone becomes so much darker, mysterious, and almost sinister. The carnival funhouse appears Gothic and macabre with the mirror reflecting something saved only for nightmares.
Gentle Readers: In reading the message and looking at the illustration, what is your interpretation of the tone? Does it change when you look at each piece separately instead of together?