Missed Connections in Austin, TX
Busses Are Funny
I occasionally see you on the bus when I go to work,
and tonight I even saw you on my way back…
which was odd because I was at work super super late!
You’re very cute and remind of someone else who is awesome,
so you’re already way ahead in my book.
I’m pretty damned shy,
but I’d like to just be like “Hey!” and introduce myself…
but I also don’t want to come across as some crazy creeper either.
I’m just pretty much exhausted
whenever I’m on the bus,
so I probably don’t come off as very cool or neat.
Either I’ve not gotten enough sleep, or I’ve been at work for too long…
If you think this might be for you,
and you think you might know who I am,
then tell me something about me,
something about you,
and the bus line we ride.
Her Two Cents on Busses Are Funny
It’s pretty clear our lovelorn Austin poet is self-conscious about approaching this person simply because they are “a little bleary, worse for wear and tear” after a long day. My advice? Throw on a clean shirt, splash some water on your face, and check the hair before leaving work. If you feel a bit better about your appearance you won’t be so nervous about saying “hey” when your eyes meet (and saying hello isn’t considered creepy it’s friendly!).
Gentle Readers: Some people place great importance on physical appearance and style of dress while others barely even notice it. How do you feel about this? Would you initially give a stranger a benefit of the doubt simply because you liked the clothes they were wearing?