6.6.06 Hallelujah
Missed Connections in Brooklyn, NY
reasons why i wanted an old radio:
railroad apartment
immaculate conception
the moon
“kiss me, damnit”
interviews, practice, rehearsals
patches safety pinned on jackets
broken bracelet
candlelight; hallelujah
ivy yet to be purchased
church bells; headcases
walking to the station
luxury; animal
little italy
“only a canole can console me”
never again
airport; headphones
pretty gritty
have you any dreams you’d like to sell?

Her Two Cents offers daily commentary on missed connections selected to appear on Lovelorn Poets.
Her Two Cents on 6.6.06 Hallelujah
I love this kooky little list poem about an old radio. All the bits and pieces remind me of a jigsaw puzzle and I want to know how to put them all together. The ending line, “have you any dreams you’d like to sell?” seems to fit well with the somewhat eerie photograph by John Pastorello. It’s not quite the San Francisco Sister of Chucky but this is Brooklyn, and the universe operates under different parameters there.
Gentle Readers: Many people are under the impression that poetry has to be constructed in a particular way, using certain rules and styles. This messages shows that even a simple list, if well-constructed, can be intriguing. Are there any brave readers out there who will dare to try something similar?