Missed Connections in Seattle, WA
The Hammock
The hammock returned to it’s home swinging between the cedars tonight.
Oh so, bittersweet.
It seems so long ago that it rocked there, tempting me with it’s relaxing rhythm.
So much has changed, yet some things remain the same…
with many changes still to come.
It’s only appropriate I ride it and continue this journey alone.

Her Two Cents offers daily commentary on missed connections selected to appear on Lovelorn Poets.
Her Two Cents on The Hammock
Now that the weather is beginning to turn warm in my corner of the world, this message made me think of warm nights and being outside with the trees and grass. Whether you’re sharing a hammock with another or spending time alone, there’s something about gently swaying underneath the leaves that is ideal for quiet contemplation. In keeping with the spirit of this message, today we feature another mathematical oriented piece of artwork – hammock-like in design but delicate as a spider’s web.
Gentle Readers: There’s no doubt that spring-fever is sweeping over the land – whether you’ve already had warm temperatures for the past few weeks or still have a bit of snow on the ground. Once winter is squarely past, what is the thing you love to do to usher in spring?