Your Guide Dog Was So Well Accessorized
Missed Connections in Boston, MA
Leap of Faith by t. abroudj
I was late for a lunch date in Davis Square last week when I saw you sitting at Taipei Tokyo. You had on a yellow and gray patterned dress, a silver starfish necklace, some interesting tattoos, and — best of all — a peacock feather in your short, curly hair. In all the hustle and bustle I almost missed the guide dog sitting under your chair. I guess that explains why you never responded to those sly, flirty looks I kept throwing you all through lunch. I’m just hoping you have some snazzy assistive technology screen reader like JAWS that reads the Craigslist Missed Connections aloud to you and that you catch this ad. I was the big blur with red hair. Maybe you’d like to chat and introduce me to your guide dog?

Her Two Cents offers daily commentary on missed connections selected to appear on Lovelorn Poets.
Her Two Cents on Your Guide Dog Was So Well Accessorized
I’ve read and scanned through zillions of missed connections since last fall (following 52 feeds from sea to shining sea) and this message is the first I discovered that was directed to someone with visual impairment. I love the part where the “big blur with red hair” discovers the reason why their “sly, flirty looks” aren’t getting a reaction. This message certainly has some short-film potential… 🙂
Gentle Readers: It took quite some time to locate the right image for this message but the colors in Leap of Faith by t. abroudj really caught my attention. For me, it’s the red-orange balloon that makes this image so strong and special. What about you? Is there an element in it that attracts your eye?