Thanks For Feeding My Meter!
Missed Connections in Pittsburgh, PA
On Friday I left a note begging someone to use the quarters with it to feed my meter so that I could go to my interview and not worry about getting a parking ticket. I knew it was a long shot but not only had someone fed my meter, but left the other quarters with the note, and no ticket! My interview went really well and it was a relief (especially since I’m jobless at the moment) not to come back to another $15 owed! Cheers and thanks to you!
Her Two Cents on Thanks For Feeding My Meter!
The photo by Jesper perfectly captures the sentiment of most people upon receiving a parking ticket (especially one where it seems as if the meter-person was counting down the minutes to expiration). However, this refreshing note of appreciation from Pittsburgh shows that every once in awhile pennies (or quarters) from heaven do appear.
Gentle Readers: We often hear talk about “random acts of kindness” – filling meters, paying forward tolls, buying coffees… Have you ever been the recipient of such an act? What about anonymously doing a good deed for a stranger? How did either one make you feel?