Missed Connections in Boston
Save the juggling for your other court.
You (no longer) hold the throne in mine!
-the one and only Queen
Discovering this fortune card on Nancy Ellis‘ Flickr page was a real treat as it’s part of a larger collection of public domain images originally available through the New York Public Library. The online collection is an incomplete deck – with nary a Joker to be found. But somehow, I think our lovelorn Queen of hearts would prefer it that way.
Love this image and the words…The Joker in a tarot deck is usually deemed ‘The Fool’ or ‘The Idiot’; I’ve never seen it depicted as a woman nor a crane…very interesting!
Thanks for featuring one of my finds! The digital library at the NYPL has fantastic images, worth many visits.
I’m so glad you had those posted to your Flickr account, Nancy! I love little ephemeral bits like that – simply beautiful!
Hmmm… I think the card is of the Queen of Hearts not the Joker – at least that’s how I interpreted it. I was originally searching for a Joker image but when I found this old card I thought the hearts/queen represented the writer well. The world has plenty of Jokers as it is! š