Your Smile……
Missed Connections in Sacramento
…Melts me.
Your laugh makes smile….
I am drawn to you…
and I wonder if you feel the same…
Is there a connection or is it all in my head? Sometimes I think we have one, others times I don’t know.
When I am around you I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of you.. The last couple times I’ve made a real effort to not watch you, like yesterday evening.
I know you are trying to work on things and your still going through a rough time, the last thing I want is to make things harder for you, so I don’t pursue this any further.
I’d be good just hanging out in a platonic way, getting to know you outside of…..
Meeting up at the Farmers Market.. Chatting about food, books, life.
I know you have my #, don’t know if you have it saved in your phone from the time or two we texted. (generic texts of sorts)
But you are always free to use it… I will be waiting on the other end.
I heard this Hall & Oates song on the radio the other day and decided I had to find a missed connection to match it with. With the 1970s now considered “oldies” radio fodder, I’m bombarded by pop music I haven’t heard since riding in the back of Mom’s station wagon (with the rear window down and no seat belts). While this certainly sounds like 1975, its warm, simple slow-dancing like quality makes it feel like something new all over again.