All I Want From Santa
Missed Connections in Boston
Santa, Please bring my gorgeous babe back into my life for this Christmas season and I will never,
ever ask you for anything else, honest.
I won’t even ask for a piece of ricotta pie
or pizza without anchovies
or a five scoop Friendly’s sundae.
I miss her laugh, humor, wit, walk, smile, touch, hugs, kisses and looking into her beautiful eyes.
One Year Ago: Proxigean Haiku (Brooklyn)
Her Two Cents from the Missed Connections Chief Bottle-Finder:
‘Tis the season for holiday wishes, hopes, and dreams. Imagine what life would be like if getting what we want was as easy as writing up a letter to Santa? Wow! I think our lovelorn Bostonian should send this message to their “gorgeous babe” along with a plate of gourmet cookies. If you don’t find a lump of coal in your stocking, you might just have a chance of getting them back!