Handsome Blue Bicycle Outside Earth Fare
Missed Connections from Asheville
hello, i am that startlingly handsome blue bicycle that seems perpetually locked up outside earth fare. my owner works at earth fare. his name is tom.
for some reason i have the word “zucchini” printed onto my frame. this is only one of the details that make me so incredible.
though i appear to be in relatively horrible shape, i ride with incredible smoothness, and i know that my owner loves me and wants me back.
the reason i have not moved from my current location, locked to the railing outside “tomato,” is because my loving yet sometimes forgetful owner
has misplaced the key to the extremely sturdy lock in which he invested to protect me, and he has been here-to-fore unable to break through it.
someone recently drew some sort of cryptic image and adhered it carefully to my frame with painter’s tape, making sure to cause no harm to my
beautiful self. as a bicycle, i appreciate that.
through the many occasions that my owner has walked past, whispering apologetically to me, i have garnered a sentiment which i desire to pass along.
i speak now as my owner:
“my name is tom. i work at earth fare. it seems to me that i am there all the time, and so if you have been there, you have seen me. i used to ride my bike
to work, but now i walk. i wish to ride the beautiful zucchini once again. if you can free the zucchini from the railing, through whatever means necessary,
i will purchase for you beer or food or both.”
-tom(‘s bicycle, the zucchini).