What If?
Missed Connections in Manhattan
Last night I was catching up on my Grey’s Anatomy and watched the episode where Meredith has a dream about what her life would be like if things had started off differently.
She wears bright pink and is engaged to marry a happy, upbeat (yet still douche-y) Alex. Bailey lacks self-esteem, Torres isn’t gay, and Derek has icky slicked back hair.
If I could have one question answered, it would be to know what happens after we die.
Is that really a better version?
If I could have another question answered, it would want to see my parallel universe.
The land of the What If?
All those decisions made along the way, roads taken and not taken, words that were thoughts and words that were spoken.
Would it all have brought me to this place regardless?
Or was there a fluttering that changed the direction of our history forever…
Tonight I will hold tight to the stardust and hope for answers.
Her Two Cents
Today marks the start of year three for the Lovelorn Poets – it’s been a trampoline roller coaster ride for the past several months but I think the road ahead is starting to even out. Maybe? I think about all the life events that let up to the birth of this blog and those that have occurred since. How did each step affect the next? I wonder if the progression I see in my mind is concrete reality or just an attempt at creating meaning. If I can’t put my finger on an answer, does it even matter? 🙂