Her Two Cents
Take a moment and ponder situations that leave a human feeling completely powerless and wracked with anxiety. Option number one: being incarcerated. Option number two: being at the DMV. Arming yourself with an extra heavy dose of positive thinking and a friendly, good natured attitude is the only way you can hope to conduct that legally required business and not end up being escorted from the building in handcuffs. Three cheers for online renewals. The less we all have to see of one another, the better!
Missed Connections from Buffalo
Dear XXX-XX-4541,
Happy almost-Mother’s Day. I miss you too, and the time you’ve spent waiting in my impossibly long lines. I’m glad you have a good job now. Hopefully you can afford to renew your license soon and we can spend many hours enjoying the process. Unfortunately, I’m closed during “special times of the year,” including New Year’s Eve night and New Year’s day… Maybe we can celebrate belatedly on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm.
I can’t wait for you to give me everything I want.
P.S. I’m glad you posted the last four digits of your social security number for my ease of reference.
the less we see of each other the more we hear of inner renewal