An Original Poem From the Breezy’s Archive
Missed Connections in New Orleans
For Bill
Trying to express
The reason
For my poem
I said,
“I feel men
And mountains
Have a lot in common.”
You replied,
“You feel that men
Are something
to be conquered?”
But you misunderstood.
I perceive mountains
To be distant
Difficult to reach
and although
They appear rugged
Sometimes the earth
crumbles underfoot
While you are
Exploring them.
My perception
Of the men
I have loved
Is similar to this
I have not known them
Though I tried
And for this reason
I have cried.
B. French
Her Two Cents
Could it be said that all love is like the mountain Breezy French describes in this poem? The picturesque peaks we admire from a distance don’t always tell the tale of the up-close and immediate trailblazing that is required to reach the summit. Big pictures, small details. One needs the other but we don’t always get both.