Missed Connections in Brooklyn
Inna Purrfeckt Whirl
In a perfect world, you and I have nothing to talk about…
In this, our reality, I question who has been better served by my exchange.
There is an outlet.
There was a refusal.
As an unemployed, I operated briefly a hot dog stand, a lemonade stand and an American Bandstand.
Where many of my previous attempts at entrepreneurial endeavors have failed, this one will be a whopping success.
What I have found to be the x-factor that sets apart a win from a loss is reserve and/or complacency, regardless of which side of the outcome you wind up.
After all, I am optimistic about the series of insults, objective critiques, and hoards of naysayers bound to be coming my way.
For it is in the pudding that I go for the proof.
What do you know?…..
tapioca bubbles.
Her Two Cents
Inna Purrfeckt Whirl, people would offer constructive feedback instead of negativity, or at least have the good sense to follow the old maxim, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” When you’re trying to get your cauldron bubbling, the last thing you need are a bunch of unhelpful interruptions. Double, double, toil and trouble, indeed!