Missed Connections in Raleigh-Durham
What’s Cooking
What’s CookingWhen hungry eyes
Give way to wander
To chef my ware
Lest it b’hung’er
Where pillows soft
Grow mounds awake
As muffins rise
Under bakers-make
When thereafter
Taste-buds to treasure
Mouth-watering, stuff
Of cup to measure
While whisk n stir
In baking rally
Where’n course
The grand finale
(Hum) stir, pour
My rhythm sing-pan
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake
Bakers man.
Her Two Cents
Who would have thought a poem about a baking baker could be so… subtly intriguing and (dare I say) sexy? I’m not quite sure what “To chef my ware” involves, but it certainly has some mouth-watering potential. Crumbs are most certainly allowed in this scenario.