A distant memory, told like an urban legend.
Hypnotizing the young boy in me, as he holds onto every word fascinated.
A story, like a dream, in a dream,
Past so fast, that it may have only been a dream.
Reliving the sensations
when sun rays beam down upon me,
like it did us in such a way.
Or maybe i’m just retelling the story.
“I remember”
But then again,
“I think it goes”
How did it end?
I don’t even know,
Or if it ever did…
“I forget what happened, no wait, how it happened”,
“I usually don’t remember my dreams when i wake up.”
But i see it so clearly.
It felt so real.
I still feel it…
But im forgetting what she looked like,
as if i ever really knew, it happened so fast,
im searching for a clue, if it was a true story.
I may be mixing it up, but i pictured her
something totally different than how im remembering her now.
If the book had pictures, i may get a better picture, and could refresh my memory.
But wheres the book?
A distant memory, lost, and fading.
I spend countless time hoping, and waiting that it comes to me.
A light bulb and i’ll remember, preserve and retell.
I may even memorize it, if i remember it well.
The greatest story, I’ve ever heard.
like a fairy-tale,
i find hard to believe, and even perceive.
The story goes,
it goes.. It goes?
and goes, and goes,
and goes
farther in the distance.
Maybe with every other memory distant.
Having flash backs as if I was him with her,
like visions from a past-life but feels it was wasn’t long ago.
So maybe it really was a dream,
or maybe im remembering how I felt, when I first heard the story.
Or maybe i’am just In-Love, with the story…
Her Two Cents
Some days, the beautiful ones just fall right into your lap:
maybe i’am just In-Love, with the story…
A distant memory, lost, and fading.
“I remember”
Or maybe i’m just retelling the story.
There are ways all memories are legends. The details we fix on become the heart of re-told stories, simply because they are where our attention was. Memory is personal that way. Our interpretation of something that happened.
Sometimes people with memory loss learn the stories about events they witnessed. It’s a way of talking about something they cannot remember. They learn someone else’s story. Someone else’s memory. Someone else’s interpretation. They learn a story, and lose what happened, again.