Silence on the streets
Parkdale streets
And once again
I brought my own chopsticks
“No maid I’ve seen
Like the sweet Colleen”
Pipers playing
Johnny Cash still dressed in black
A voice from heaven
Loreena McKennitt
I’ll stumble upon lost thoughts
Cherish the tramp within
It’s the seclusion of time
Her scent impaled
In my memory
I’ve gambled on the ponys
I’ve gambled on the pints
I’ve gambled on the love
Inspiration dazzled
The mystic wind blew
Time to plant the garden
Let the flowers flourish
Let the flowers grow limp
A decadence devoured
The garden trampled
Saturated and stained
The river overflows
Ah the silence erupts
Harp music
Gentle sweet
This is what Love sounds like
My my
I found heaven
In parkdale…….
If I see her smile this week
And if by chance it may be my…
My last week of life
Thunder and lightning
Be smiling back
At her
Her Two Cents
Thunder and lightning | The mystic wind blew | The river overflows
And once again
Gentle sweet | Silence on the streets