I recently moved into the water tower across the street..
there’s some kind of magic…
sitting outside my little urban yurt..
at night…when the rain falls..soft on my skin
like your kisses….and my eyes..take in the skyline..
and are then drawn…to the building across the street…
with all its open windows..revealing her secrets..
every window a different tone..and shade…
a man reads a newspaper while..his wife..
drops her dress to the floor…unnoticed…
an elderly woman with trembling fingers…tries typing..
while her aide…blushes nearby…
children eating what has been doled out onto their plates…
while their father watches..carefully..
while just above…a couple pulls out a record..and celebrates
ABBA night…with bellbottoms pulled from their closet…
And in another…a man removes a magazine from..
his secret stash…
a blimp passes by…overhead…
…..oh the humanity…
lights start going out one by one…
yellow to black…curtains billowing in the cool air..
and I am alone with my thoughts….
a light goes on….
in a bedroom
….you throw him overboard
sneakers and all…
and come to the window…..looking straight at me…
and I catch my breath…
it’s as if you’ve known all along…
where to find me….hiding…
you step out onto the ledge…and board the tram…
the one that takes you to me…
as an amtrak train heading upstate…
speeds by below us..with its own open windows…
the sound and the fury….
a light has turned on in august….
it’s the light that has brought us together…
and has made me the happiest man..
outside of middle earth…
I might’ve traveled the world…
I might’ve crossed all of Venice’s 1,280 bridges…
or..is that Amsterdam?
but….somehow…there is one place..in the word..
where I want to be…and that is
right here..beside you…
under the mistletoe
my love
so happy
Her Two Cents
a light goes on….