As I scroll down
In what seems
A never ending list
Of beautiful & amazing women
Full of hopes to reconnect
With their missed connections
All of their stories
With such full of heart & soul
One cannot stop to wonder
Why oh why am I not on that list
As I smile each time
That I see such beautiful women
Yet not a single one
Would notice who I am
Maybe a lost soul
Hoping to one day
Hear of such a story told of him
If I ever made that list
I would do everything
Not a moment shall pass
I will reply, with great pleasure
As I shall not or would not
Make anyone wait any longer
This is my thoughts and my heart
A never ending list
All of their stories
As I scroll down
As I shall not or would not
As I smile each time
Full of hopes to reconnect
Hear of such a story told of him
Hoping to one day
I will reply, with great pleasure
I would do everything
If I ever made that list
In what seems
Make anyone wait any longer
Maybe a lost soul
Not a moment shall pass
Of beautiful & amazing women
One cannot stop to wonder
That I see such beautiful women
This is my thoughts and my heart
With their missed connections
With such full of heart & soul
Would notice who I am
Why oh why am I not on that list
Yet not a single one
Why must he
Look me up and down
As if I’m one on
What must seem like
A never ending list
Of beautiful & amazing women.
I have hopes and wish to find
Someone with whom to
Make a connection and
Tell my stories
Full of heart & soul.
One cannot stop to wonder
Why he smiles
As if I should want
To be on that list of his and
Not be me, a woman
Worth noticing for who I am
And not because he smiles.
Will it take finding
A lost soul to find someone
Who’ll hear my story?
Someone without a list
Someone for whom I
Would do everything
With great pleasure?
I would not make him
Wait any longer.
These are my thoughts.
This is my heart.