electrical stream of faux experience
wired into thumb eye coordination
jacked into the matrix of un-life
as your brief moments pass
illusion of relevancy
devoid of legacy
empty of purpose
waiting to die
~ Susie Hewitt, that crazy Las Vegas poet
thumb eye coordination
electrical stream (matrix, illusion, devoid, empty) of:
(faux experience, un-life, relevancy, legacy, purpose)
matrix (illusion, devoid, empty, electrical stream) of:
(un-life, relevancy, legacy, purpose, faux experience)
illusion (devoid, empty, electrical stream, matrix) of:
(relevancy, legacy, purpose, faux experience, un-life)
devoid (empty, electrical stream, matrix, illusion) of:
(legacy, purpose, faux experience, un-life, relevancy)
empty (electrical stream, matrix, illusion, devoid) of:
(purpose, faux experience, un-life, relevancy, legacy)
Waiting to die
Empty of purpose
Devoid of legacy
Without any Illusion
Of relevancy
Brief moments pass away
Jacked into the matrix of un-life
Wired into thumb eye coordination
Electrical stream of faux experience.
Until the day when
You looking up
Catch Freddy Gray
Given a humble
Before his “rough ride”
Left him
Waiting to die.
Now as your purpose
Becomes clear
Without any illusion
Of legacy
In moments where
Jacked into life
Wired into the electrical
Stream of experience
You understand
The relevancy of your