hose grows nose goes lows blows rose dose prose rows bows does bros stows mows pose bellows fellows propose arose arrows sparrows hoes go’s aloes kudos kiddos gallows follows pillows dittos mosquitoes narrows barrows oh’s o’s zeros Pharaohs heroes marrows tallow’s impose mementos stows hippos magnetos burritos tornadoes froze doze bingo’s dingos memos demos limos typos banjos ammos potatoes tomatoes knows
hose nose rose dose prose pose propose arose impose compose
grows lows blows rows bows stows mows bellows fellows arrows sparrows gallows follows pillows narrows barrows marrows tallow’s knows outgrows
goes does hoes aloes mosquitoes heroes tornadoes potatoes tomatoes foes
bros go’s kudos kiddos dittos o’s zeros mementos hippos magnetos burritos bingo’s dingos memos demos limos typos banjos ammos typos
oh’s Pharaohs matzohs
froze doze cloze (deletion test
That one is all about the O’s.
More Baltimore than Chicago.
And flowing from made connections, not a missed ones.