This is where I say the wrong thing.
This is where the letters I have written,
but never sent; where the words you
have imagined, but never said; where
the differences between us far outweigh
the balance; where the waiter arrives
with our coffee and the check; where
teaspoons fold light into the darkness
and sugar into the bitter taste.
–Bison Jack
but This is where I fold the letters sent
where the written words far outweigh the bitter taste
where the never have never said
where I have imagined differences between the darkness and light
where the waiter arrives with check and balance.
our teaspoons
into the coffee
into the sugar
but This is where you say the wrong thing.
But I have written the letter
Where I say the wrong thing.
The words you imagined.
The waiter arrives
With our coffee.
This is where
Teaspoons fold light into the darkness.
Where the sugar
Between us far outweighs
The bitter taste.
The difference
And the check,
And w[]e’re sent into
Where the[y]
Have never said,
Balance, never.
This is where.