The road of my life
is wide, but full of sharp turns.
Here’s one to the light.
Hi hopefuls. It’s not a typo. I’m always going straight on, and not to one side or the other.
What I mean to say is that my choices and actions should move me towards something bright,
and loving and open. It’s not like a neon light.
We are each on an individual journey, but we are not there alone.
The ones we meet and ‘share the road’ with shape us, and bump us,
and sometimes propel us on to great ideas, or great deeds.
I want to practice regarding all the new friends I make as lifetime friends,
and be careful to remember tomorrow is coming, while I live in today.
Missed Connections are filled with good, bad, and fork-in-the-road-haiku. Did you write one? Did you find one? Before you set out on your journey, email the link to Lovelorn Poets! We’ll preserve those share-the-road-with-silver-and-gold-syllables for all eternity.