Sleeping in a tent
can get old after two nights
except for the dog.
He never seems to get tired of snuggling, and doesn’t mind the smell of wet shoes and clothes in the corner.
In fact he seems to think the tent is much better than indoors; the windows are always open, it’s closer to the ground,
and he can’t get sent out to the living room.
Of course it’s not more comfortable than a real bed, and there is no bathroom or shower,
but I also enjoy the stars at night and to bask in the pre-dawn red and green glow of the tent walls.
And snuggling.
Missed Connections are filled with good, bad, and snuggles-for-you-haiku. Did you write one? Did you find one? Before breaking down the tent and heading home, email the link to Lovelorn Poets! We’ll preserve those comfortably-sleeping-syllables for all eternity.