The yoga teacher
says change comes slowly and works
And if you can’t touch your toes it’s OK; just accept it that it won’t happen today.
Or maybe it won’t ever happen.
And not to compare yourself to the person next to you.
Their practice has nothing to do with yours.
To get what we want, or where we want to be can be a long and slow struggle.
Sometimes that means working towards a change we desire,
or that a change has already happened and we need to learn how to accept it.
Instead of using my energy and time wishing for the impossible to happen,
or that things were different in the past, I try to work gradually towards
what I can have and what I can become in time.
To say the past is in the past means we cannot change what has occurred;
we can only make good decisions now, in the present.
And practice being ready for the future we get.
Not the future we dream about.
Sometimes reality sucks. It isn’t what we want and it isn’t what we asked for.
But there is no choice but to keep on looking forward, and reaching for our toes.
Missed Connections are filled with good, bad and downward-facing-dog-haiku. Did you write one? Did you find one? Don’t worry about anyone else, just send the link to Lovelorn Poets! We’ll preserve those slow-struggling-syllables for all eternity.