She was, She is, She will be,
Thee humming birds wings,
A soft stream flowing underneath the trees of song,
Fulfilling my needs, Sing on!
The balance in mystery, A love Psalm,
Thee honey bee dancing sweetly,
A breathe of life expanding my chest,
Flowering shadows growing reflection,
Thee suns eyes, closed and open,
A changing tide rejuvenating the empty space,
The end of a song,
A moment living on,
Eternal blues,
The only color my eyes sea
She was,
A breathe of life expanding my chest,
A changing tide rejuvenating the empty space,
Thee humming birds wings,
Thee honey bee dancing sweetly,
Fulfilling my needs,
She will be,
A soft stream flowing underneath the trees of song,
Thee suns eyes, closed and open,
Flowering shadows growing reflection,
A moment living on,
The balance in mystery,
She is,
The only color my eyes sea
Eternal blues,
The end of a song,
A love Psalm,
Sing on!