I am powerless.
There is no escape from your
Voodoo (Doughnut) Love
I cannot run or hide from the gravitational attraction of your Love.
My choices are to run passionately into our hopefulness together,
or fall head-long and be swallowed by it with my arms and legs loose in the wind.
I decapitate my (doughnut) old self, and leave behind, all that I was, all I believed,
and all I knew.
I walk forward blindly and as if naked, into the future, and leave my attachments
and old expectations and convictions by the wayside;
fragile signs and folding chairs that
have fallen
and tumbled
to the side
of the
I bring all of myself to the new day, and what it will truly turn out to be.
‘Tis the season for all sorts of delicious and decadent holiday treats at home and work (and seemingly everywhere you turn). Don’t try to hide from the love, but do remember, moderation is the key unless you want to spend the first months of the new year working off the extra pounds at the gym.