the taxi is backed up
4 miles according to google
walk into Niles to see McKinley’s statue
walk past the locally owned custard place
maybe I’ll stop on the way back
a young woman with red painted hair gives me directions
her figure is a foreshadow
two more blocks
one block is the dairy queen
I wonder what the queen is doing
there’s the statue of the President
just says he died in Buffalo
important Ohio busts surround him
I walk back
there’s the local owned custard stand
I see the ghost
her back is turned to me
I can’t stare because a man is sitting across from her
for a few minutes I feel
Mrs. McKinley’s pain
across the street a cute woman
walks into the dollar store
Another great story poem from the Flagstaff Missed Connections. It was such a joy to find these and it’s equally enjoyable to share them so many years later.