They say that most people meet each other at grocery stores.
I often try to figure out how those kinds of conversations go.
Two people reaching for the same bacon.
Him: Oh, you like bacon?
Her: Yes, you like bacon too?
Him: Well it looks like we have that in common?
Her: Here is my phone number handsome.
I know that is not how my connection would happen at a grocery store. It would be more like this.
Her: Why do you keep running back to the produce section.
Me: I don’t write shopping lists and just kind of make it up as I go along.
Her: That’s stupid.
Me: So is kale.
I mean really, how does one even contemplate talking to a complete stranger in the produce section, or for that matter at all.
I found this piece of “creative nonfiction” on the Austin Missed Connections years ago and saved it because I found it funny in that “real-life-is-never-like-TV” kind of way. But now, with so many people preparating for the coronavirus pandemic, desperation and fear are bringing about all sorts of encounters – especially if you’re holding the last package of toilet paper. Strange times are afoot and that means anything can happen… even finding love (or at least a conversation) in the grocery store.