There’s a letter on the desktop that I dug out of a drawer
The last truce we ever came to
In our adolescent war
And I start to feel the fever
From the warm air through the screen
You come regular like seasons
Shadowing my dreams
From Anchorage to Zebulon: In Search of Missed Connections
My dog doesn’t mind
when the weather turns colder.
He wears a fur coat.
I actually don’t mind either. I missed my familiar coat and its big pockets.
And I like wearing my hats and covering my head.
It can be sunny and cold and I will be happy.
We can hold hands in the park, or snuggle by a fire.
My sweatshirts and flannel, sweaters and scarves are waiting for me to find them
and to banish the sandals and shorts.
Until next Summer when they go back into hiding.
Missed Connections are filled with good, bad and winter-coat-haiku. Did you write one? Did you find one? Before you get all bundled up in winter gear, email the link to Lovelorn Poets. We’ll preserve those sweatshirt-n-scarf-syllables for all eternity.
The river calls
I go
Few places in this urban quagmire
Can match the extreme quiet
I’ll take you there
If you enjoy silence
Rest your head on my shoulder
Few places match you
the quiet in your solemn gaze calls
I can take the extreme quagmire head on
silence my reflection
shoulder this urban river
if you go there
I’ll rest
Too much injustice and not enough love
in between the increments
of sadness and
and how much sadness does it take
before we break the bank
start running on
mindgallery . twitter
too much sadness
between sadness
the pain of
love in increments
break much and
not enough
and on and …
and how does injustice start
we take it
before running the bank empty
Couldn’t find you in the parking lot after you smiled…
Where were we?
Couldn’t find you in the parking lot after you smiled…
Where were we?
Couldn’t find you in the parking lot after you smiled…
Where were we?
… ?
we were in after you couldn’t find you where the parking lot smiled
where in the parking lot were you after we smiled couldn’t find you
you smiled in the lot after parking you couldn’t find where we were