Welcome to the latest edition of the Lovelorn Poets Saturday Special. This occasional weekend feature offers information about the Creative Commons artists from Flickr and YouTube who appear on this site. I hope you enjoy reading about these talented individuals and encourage you to visit their websites and see more of their work.

Artist Profile: Bogdan Seredyak
Name: Bogdan Seredyak
Where to find Bogdan: flickr.com/holes
Lovelorn Poets Featured Message:
Missed Connections in Jersey Shore, NJ: At Wawa Stealing Your Friend’s Truck
Duration: I started taking photos as hobby a few years ago. Kinda grew on me. Learned everything I could by myself and continue to do so. First shot on digital video camera then got myself DSLR. With time I learned that I prefer the quality of film, so I switched to it, and now only use digital for more experimental purposes.
Work: Starving artist.
Influences:Inspired by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alfred Stieglitz, Bill Henson, Yasumasa Yonehara, Terry Richardson, Marc Lagrange, Jeffrey David Luker and others.
Preferred Work Environment: Under the cover of night.
What is your creative philosophy? This quote from Hunter S. Thompson, “No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride…
and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well…
maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion:
Tune in, freak out, get beaten.”
Thank you, Bogdan, for licensing your work through Flickr Creative Commons and sharing your words and photographs with the Lovelorn Poets. Your choice of the HS Thompson quote makes an important point; there are times when life gets hairy, crazy, overwhelming, or flat-out abysmal but throwing in the towel at that particular time is a sure recipe for regret. Relish the ride and you’ll come out on the other side a changed person. Cheers!