Welcome to the latest edition of the Lovelorn Poets Saturday Special. This occasional weekend feature offers information about the artists from Flickr and YouTube who appear on this site. I hope you enjoy reading about these talented individuals and encourage you to visit their websites and see more of their work.

Lovelorn Poets Artist Profile: Jenny Downing
Name: Jenny Downing
Where to Find Me: Here mostly www.flickr.com/photos/jenny-pics/ although I have just begun to write a photography blog thelensbabes.blogspot.com/ in which I chart the progress of a 2-year project that I am doing with a friend. I am also a classroom blogger, my most recent one (begun in September) being class1b-pregny.blogspot.com/
Lovelorn Poets Featured Message: Missed Connections in Philadelphia, PA: Hibernation (A Snow-globe)
Work: Not sure I could use the word ‘photographer’ to describe myself whilst keeping a straight face – it doesn’t pay the bills (although it did buy me a nice new lens with one lucky click). In real life I am the teacher of small people in an international school in Europe.
Duration: Began ‘dabbling’ in photography as a teen with something cheap and probably Russian. Moved, during my twenties, through a Pentax SLR to Canon, the brand I now swear by (and occasionally at). Having fought against switching from the purity of film, via a little Canon P&S to what I use now, a fancy-schmancy 5D Mark ii, I am well and truly converted. The freedom to take a hundred photos when in the past I would have waited for the ‘perfect’ shot and perhaps have pressed the shutter only once or twice, has been liberating – not to mention a severe drain on my hard drive.
Influences: It’s all in the light; when it’s ‘right’ I grab my gear!
Preferred Work Environment:Outdoors
Philosophy: I struggle to see the ‘bigger picture’; instead I peer at the world with one eye closed and see bokeh sparkles in the bottom of my wineglass…..but that might just be an alcoholic haze!
Thank you, Jenny, for licensing your work through Creative Commons and sharing your work with the Lovelorn Poets. Considering how time-consuming being a “teacher of small people” can be, your energy and passion for photography is an inspiration for all of us who have to battle the couch-potato trap at the end of the work day! Your 100smallhappinesses blog (2 cameras – 100 photographic challenges – 1 a week – or at least that’s the plan!) is a great idea for anyone looking to make time for creativity and collaborating with a friend only adds to the fun. Hmmmm… may have to give that one a try with a few writer friends… 🙂