Let’s do gardening.
Plant some seeds and wait to see
our flower bed grow.
I like gardeners. Not only because they aren’t afraid to get dirty, but because they are thoughtful and patient.
“These seeds will be flowers or vegetables one day soon.”
When we plant flowers, we will share their colors and perfume all Summer.
Our squashes and pumpkins will fill our stomachs this Fall.
But now, let us plant fruit trees and watch them take root. And, over time as we see them grow and spread their branches, we shall enjoy their sweet red, golden or green fruits together for all the years ahead.
Missed Connections are filled with good, bad and dirt-diggin’-haiku. Did you write one? Did you find one? Before you start sowin’-n-reapin’, email the link to Lovelorn Poets! We’ll preserve those seeds-of-summer-syllables for all eternity.