I miss you and your beautiful face every day.
I Howl Into the Western Wind (Athens)
I howl into the western wind
hoping you can hear it.
Hoping you can hear the pain,
the anguish,
the loneliness,
my fear, and
my disgust with myself.
If you listen closely it’s all there.
I want nothing more than to hate you.
You took all of our memories…
I have nothing left to look back upon…
You took away everything I had to remember us being together…
You took away my freedom while you granted it to me at the same time.
I want nothing more than to hate you.
You said in two years,
in two years to tell you if I mean the words that I spoke to you.
You said to get help.
I am trying, but it’s lonely in here.
I haven’t talked to myself in a long time.
I want nothing more than to hate you
but I can’t help but love you.
She went her unremembering way,
She went and left in me
The pang of all the partings gone,
And partings yet to be.
Blueberry Eyes (Athens, GA)
Happy b-day blueberry boy. My message to you in 20 words or less…
Thank you for bringing back the colors and a thick, messy texture to my life.
She Waves…
Can’t see the video soundtrack?
Here’s the link: http://youtu.be/xeA-jYDrZYQ