From The Fire-Side Picture Alphabet of Humour and Droll Moral Tales; or Words & their Meaning, Illustrated. (1858) Courtesy of Double M
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B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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(I’ll break the ice soon)
The world, blank canvas
Muted bare by apathy
Brush nor paint in sight
Only light, distinct Beauty
Brought my weary eyes to life
(trying my hand at different forms; sonnet could take time)
There are 1,833 words containing eight letters with the first being letter “B”:
baalisms, babblers, babblery, babbling, babehood, babushka, babyhood, babyship, baccarat, baccated, bacchant, bacchius, bachelor, bachelry, bacillar, bacillus, backache, backband, backbend, backbite, backbond, backbone, backcast, backdate, backdoor, backdown, backdrop, backfall, backfill, backfire, backhand, backheel, backhoes, backings, backlash, backless, backlist, backlogs, backmost, backpack, backrack, backrest, backsaws, backseat, backside, backslap, backslid, backspin, backstay, backster, backstop, backward, backwash, backwood, backworm, backyard, baconian, bacteria, bacterin, bactrian, baculine, baculite, badgered, badgerer, badgerly, badigeon, badinage, badlands, badmouth, baedeker, baenopod, baetulus, bafflers, baffling, baggager, baggages, baggiest, baggings, bagpiper, bagpipes, baguette, bagworms, bahamian, bahaudur, bailable, bailiffs, bailment, bailouts, bailsman, bailsmen, bakemeat, bakeries, bakeshop, bakingly, bakistre, baklavas, bakshish, balanced, balancer, balances, balanite, balanoid, baldhead, baldness, baldpate, baldrick, baldrics, balearic, balefire, balinese, balisaur, balister, balkiest, ballader, ballades, balladic, balladry, ballahoo, ballahou, ballarag, ballasts, ballatry, balletic, ballista, balloons, balloted, balloter, ballotin, ballroom, ballutes, ballyhoo, ballyrag, balmiest, balmoral, balneary, baloneys, balotade, balsamed, balsamic, baluster, bambinos, banality, bandaged, bandager, bandages, bandanas, bandanna, bandeaus, bandeaux, bandelet, banditry, banditti, bandsman, bandsmen, bandying, banewort, bangkoks, bangtail, banished, banisher, banishes, banister, banjoist, bankable, bankbook, bankings, banknote, bankroll, bankrupt, bankside, banlieue, bannered, banneret, bannerol, bannocks, banquets, banshees, banshies, bansshee, bantered, banterer, bantling, banxring, baphomet, baptised, baptises, baptisms, baptists, baptized, baptizer, baptizes, barathea, barbacan, barbados, barbaric, barbated, barbecue, barbells, barbered, barberry, barbette, barbican, barbicel, barbiers, barbison, barbital, barbiton, barbizon, barbless, barbwire, bardling, bardship, bareback, barebone, barefoot, barehead, bareness, baresark, barflies, bargains, bargeman, bargemen, barghest, barillet, baritone, barkeeps, barkless, barmaids, barmiest, barnacle, barnyard, barogram, barology, barometz, baronage, baroness, baronets, baronial, baronies, baroques, barouche, barrable, barracan, barracks, barraged, barrages, barranca, barrator, barratry, barreled, barrener, barrenly, barrette, barriers, barrooms, barrulet, barstool, bartends, bartered, barterer, bartizan, bartlett, barwares, baryonic, barytone, basaltic, basanite, bascinet, baseball, baseborn, baselard, baseless, baseline, basement, baseness, bashless, basicity, basidium, basified, basifier, basifies, basihyal, basilary, basilica, basiling, basilisk, basinets, basketry, basquish, basseted, bassetto, bassinet, bassists, bassness, bassoons, bassorin, basswood, bastards, bastardy, bastiles, bastille, bastings, bastions, basylous, batavian, batchers, batching, bateless, batement, bathetic, bathless, bathmism, bathorse, bathoses, bathrobe, bathroom, bathtubs, batistes, batoidei, battable, battalia, batteaux, batteler, battened, battener, battered, batterer, battiest, battings, battlers, battling, batwoman, batwomen, baubling, baudekin, baudrick, baulkier, baulking, bauxites, bavarian, bawbling, bawdiest, bawdrick, bawdrics, bawdries, bawhorse, bayadere, bayardly, bayberry, bayonets, baywoods, bazookas, bdellium, beachboy, beachier, beaching, beaconed, beadiest, beadings, beadlery, beadlike, beadroll, beadsman, beadsmen, beadwork, beakhead, beakiest, beakiron, beakless, beaklike, beambird, beamless, beanbags, beanball, beanlike, beanpole, bearable, bearably, bearbind, bearcats, bearding, bearherd, bearings, bearskin, bearward, beasties, beatable, beatific, beatings, beatniks, beaucoup, beaufort, beaumont, beaupere, beauship, beautied, beauties, beautify, beauxite, beavered, bebirine, bebloody, bebopper, becalmed, bechamel, bechance, beckoned, beckoner, beclouds, becometh, becoming, bedabble, bedaggle, bedamned, bedashed, bedaubed, bedazzle, bedchair, bedcover, beddable, beddings, bedecked, bedeguar, bedesman, bedevils, bedewing, bedframe, bedgowns, bedimmed, bedizens, bedlamps, bedmaker, bedmates, bedouins, bedphere, bedpiece, bedplate, bedposts, bedquilt, bedrails, bedrench, bedrocks, bedrolls, bedrooms, bedsides, bedsores, bedstaff, bedstand, bedstead, bedstock, bedstraw, bedtimes, beducked, bedunged, bedwarfs, bedyeing, beebread, beechier, beechnut, beefcake, beefiest, beefless, beefwood, beehives, beehouse, beelines, beeregar, beeriest, beeswing, beetling, beetrave, beetroot, befallen, befitted, beflower, befogged, befooled, befouled, befriend, befringe, befuddle, begemmed, begetter, beggable, beggared, beggarly, begilded, beginner, begirded, begirdle, begnawed, begodded, begonias, begorrah, begotten, begrease, begrimed, begrimer, begrimes, begrudge, beguiled, beguiler, beguiles, beguines, behappen, behavers, behaving, behavior, beheadal, beheaded, behemoth, behither, beholden, beholder, behooved, behooves, behovely, bejewels, bejumble, belabors, belabour, belamour, belating, belaying, belchers, belching, beldames, belfries, belgians, belgrade, believed, believer, believes, belittle, bellbird, bellboys, bellevue, bellhops, bellical, bellowed, bellower, bellpull, belluine, bellwort, bellyful, bellying, belocked, belonged, belonite, beloveds, beltings, beltless, beltline, beltways, beluting, bemangle, bemaster, bemingle, bemiring, bemoaned, bemoaner, bemuddle, bemuffle, bemusing, benchers, benching, bendable, bendwise, beneaped, benedick, benedict, benefact, benefice, benefits, benetted, bengalee, benignly, benisons, benitier, benjamin, bentwood, benumbed, benzenes, benzines, benzoate, benzoins, benzosol, beplumed, bepommel, bepowder, bepraise, bepuffed, bepurple, bequeath, bequests, berained, berating, berattle, berberry, berceuse, bereaved, bereaver, bereaves, berettas, bergamot, bergeret, bergmeal, bergmote, berhymed, berhymes, beriberi, berkeley, bernacle, bernicle, bernouse, berretta, berrying, berserks, berthage, berthing, berycoid, beryline, bescrawl, bescreen, beseemed, beseemly, besetter, beshrews, beshroud, besieged, besieger, besieges, beslaver, besmears, besmirch, besnowed, besotted, besought, bespeaks, bespoken, bespread, besprent, bessemer, bestiary, bestowal, bestowed, bestower, bestreak, bestrewn, bestrews, bestride, bestrode, bestrown, betacism, betaking, betatron, betaught, betelnut, bethinks, bethrall, bethumpt, betiding, betokens, betongue, betonies, betossed, betrayal, betrayed, betrayer, betroths, bettered, betumble, betweens, bevatron, bevelers, beveling, bevelled, beveller, beverage, bevilled, bewailed, bewailer, bewaring, bewetted, bewigged, bewilder, bewinter, bewonder, bewrayed, bewrayer, bezonian, bezzling, bheestie, biannual, biasedly, biasness, biassing, biathlon, bibacity, bibelots, bibirine, bibitory, biblical, bibulous, bicaudal, bicepses, bichrome, bickered, bickerer, bicolors, bicolour, biconvex, bicorned, bicornes, bicrural, bicuspid, bicycled, bicycler, bicycles, bicyclic, bidarkee, biddable, biddably, biddings, bidental, biennial, biennium, bierbalk, bifacial, biferous, bifidate, bifocals, biforate, biforine, biforked, biformed, biforous, bigamies, bigamist, bigamize, bigamous, bigaroon, biggings, bigheads, bighorns, bigmouth, bignonia, bihourly, bijoutry, bijugate, bijugous, bikeways, bikinied, bilabial, bilander, bilberry, bilgiest, biliment, bilinear, billable, billeted, billeter, billfish, billfold, billhead, billhook, billiard, billings, billions, billowed, billyboy, billycan, bilobate, bimanous, bimanual, bimedial, bimensal, bimester, bimetals, binaries, binaural, binbashi, bindable, bindings, bindweed, binnacle, binomial, binoxide, bioblast, biocidal, biocides, bioclean, biocycle, biogenic, biograph, biologic, biolysis, biolytic, biometer, biometry, bioplasm, bioplast, biopsies, bioscope, bioscopy, biotical, biotypes, biparous, biparted, bipennis, biplanes, biracial, biramous, birchers, birching, birchism, birdbath, birdbolt, birdcage, birdcall, birdikin, birdlike, birdlime, birdling, birdseed, birdseye, birettas, birretta, birthday, birthdom, birthing, biscayan, biscotin, biscuits, bisected, bisector, biserial, bisetose, bisetous, bisexous, bisexual, bishoped, bishoply, bismarck, bismuths, bistable, bistoury, bitchery, bitchier, bitchily, bitching, biteable, bitheism, bitingly, bitstock, bittacle, bittered, bitterer, bitterly, bitterns, bittiest, bitumens, bivalent, bivalved, bivalves, bivector, bivouacs, biweekly, biyearly, bizarres, blabbers, blabbing, blackcap, blackens, blackest, blackfin, blacking, blackish, blackleg, blackout, blacktop, bladders, bladdery, blamable, blamably, blameful, blancard, blanched, blancher, blanches, blandest, blandise, blandish, blankest, blankets, blanking, blarneys, blastema, blasters, blastide, blastier, blasting, blastoff, blastoid, blastula, blastule, blatancy, blathers, blatters, blatting, blazoned, blazoner, blazonry, bleached, bleacher, bleaches, bleakest, bleakish, bleareye, blearier, blearily, blearing, bleaters, bleating, bleeders, bleeding, bleeping, blenched, blencher, blenches, blenders, blending, blendous, blennies, blenniid, blessers, blessing, blethers, bletting, blighted, blighter, blimbing, blimpish, blindage, blinders, blindest, blinding, blinkard, blinkers, blinking, blintzes, blippers, blipping, blissful, blisters, blistery, blithely, blithers, blithest, blitzing, blizzard, bloaters, bloating, blobbing, blockade, blockage, blockers, blockier, blocking, blockish, bloedite, bloncket, blondest, blondish, bloodfin, bloodied, bloodier, bloodies, bloodily, blooding, bloodlet, bloodred, bloodulf, bloodwit, bloomary, bloomers, bloomery, bloomier, blooming, bloopers, blooping, blossoms, blossomy, blotched, blotches, blotless, blotters, blottier, blotting, blousier, blousily, blousing, blousons, blowback, blowball, blowfish, blowguns, blowhard, blowhole, blowiest, blowoffs, blowouts, blowpipe, blowsier, blowsily, blowtube, blowzier, blubbers, blubbery, bluchers, bludgeon, blueback, blueball, bluebell, bluebill, bluebird, bluebook, bluecoat, bluefins, bluefish, bluegill, bluegown, bluegums, blueings, bluejays, blueness, bluenose, bluepoll, bluesman, bluesmen, bluewing, bluffers, bluffest, bluffing, blunders, blungers, blunging, bluntest, blunting, bluntish, blurrier, blurrily, blurring, blurters, blurting, blushers, blushful, blushing, blusters, blustery, boarders, boarding, boardman, boardmen, boarfish, boasters, boastful, boasting, boastive, boatable, boatbill, boatfuls, boatings, boatload, boatsman, boatsmen, boatyard, bobbinet, bobbling, bobolink, bobsleds, bobtails, bobwhite, bocaccio, bocasine, bockelet, bockland, bodement, bodhisat, bodiless, bodingly, bodleian, bodysurf, bodywork, boeotian, boffolas, bogberry, bogeying, bogeyman, bogeymen, boggiest, bogglers, boggling, bogglish, bohemian, bohemias, boilable, boistous, boldened, boldface, boldness, bolivars, bolivian, bolivias, bollards, bollixed, bollixes, bolloxed, bolloxes, bollworm, bolognas, boloneys, bolsters, bolthead, boltrope, bombardo, bombards, bombasts, bombings, bombload, bombycid, bonanzas, bonassus, bondable, bondager, bondages, bondless, bondmaid, bondsman, bondsmen, boneache, bonefish, bonehead, boneless, bonesets, boneshaw, boneyard, bonfires, bongoist, bongrace, bonhomie, bonibell, boniface, boniform, boniness, bonitary, bonitoes, bonneted, bonnibel, bonniest, bonsmots, bonspiel, bontebok, boobyish, boodhism, boodhist, boodlers, boodling, boogyman, boogymen, boohooed, bookcase, bookends, bookings, bookland, bookless, booklets, booklore, bookmark, bookmate, bookrack, bookrest, bookshop, bookwork, bookworm, boomorah, boomtown, boosters, boosting, boothale, boothose, bootikin, bootjack, bootlace, bootlegs, bootless, bootlick, boottree, booziest, borachte, boracite, boracous, bordeaux, bordello, bordered, borderer, bordland, bordlode, bordures, borealis, borecole, boredoms, boringly, boroughs, borracho, borrowed, borrower, borschts, borstals, boshvark, boskages, boskiest, bosoming, bosporus, bossiest, bossisms, botanies, botanist, botanize, botchers, botchery, botchier, botchily, botching, boteless, bothered, botherer, bothnian, botryoid, botryose, botswana, bottlers, bottling, bottomed, bottomer, bottomry, botulins, botulism, bouchees, boudoirs, bouffant, boughten, bouillon, boulders, bouldery, boulimia, bouncers, bouncier, bouncily, bouncing, boundary, bounders, bounding, bountied, bounties, bouquets, bourbons, bourgeon, bournous, bourrees, boutefeu, boutique, bouzouki, boviform, bovinely, bovinity, boweling, bowelled, bowenite, boweries, bowering, bowfront, bowgrace, bowheads, bowingly, bowknots, bowlders, bowldery, bowlfuls, bowlines, bowlings, bowshots, bowsprit, boxberry, boxiness, boxthorn, boxwoods, boycotts, boydekin, boyhoods, boyishly, brabbler, braccate, bracchia, bracelet, braceros, brachial, brachium, brachman, bracings, brackens, brackets, brackish, bracteal, bractlet, bradawls, bradding, braggart, braggers, braggest, braggier, bragging, bragless, brahmani, brahmans, brahmins, braiders, braiding, brailing, brailled, brailles, brainier, brainily, braining, brainish, brainpan, braising, brakeage, brakeman, brakemen, brambled, brambles, braminic, brancard, branched, brancher, branches, branchia, branders, brandied, brandies, branding, brandish, brandlin, brangled, brangler, brantail, branular, brashest, brashier, brasiers, brasilia, brasilin, brassage, brassard, brassart, brassets, brassica, brassier, brassies, brassily, brassish, bratsche, brattice, brattier, brattish, braunite, bravados, bravoing, bravuras, brawlers, brawlier, brawling, brawnier, brawnily, brazened, brazenly, braziers, brazilin, breached, breacher, breaches, breading, breadths, breakage, breakers, breaking, breakman, breakout, breakups, breaming, breasted, breathed, breather, breathes, breeched, breeches, breeders, breeding, breezier, breezily, breezing, breloque, brennage, brenning, brethren, brettice, brevetcy, breveted, breviary, breviate, breviped, brevipen, brewages, brewings, brezhnev, brezilin, briarean, bribable, brickbat, brickier, bricking, bricktop, bridally, bridalty, bridebed, brideman, bridging, bridlers, bridling, briefest, briefing, briefman, brigaded, brigades, brigands, brighten, brighter, brightly, brimfull, brimless, brimmers, brimming, brindled, brindles, bringers, bringeth, bringing, briniest, brioches, briquets, brisbane, briskest, briskets, brisking, brisling, bristled, bristles, bristols, britches, brittled, brittler, brittles, britzska, broached, broacher, broaches, broadaxe, broadens, broadest, broadish, broadway, brocaded, brocades, brocatel, broccoli, brochure, brockets, brockish, brodekin, broguery, broguish, broiders, broidery, broilers, broiling, brokages, brokenly, brokerly, brollies, bromalin, bromanil, bromides, bromidic, bromines, bromlife, bromuret, bronchia, bronchic, bronchos, bronchus, bronzers, bronzier, bronzine, bronzing, bronzist, bronzite, brooches, brooders, broodier, brooding, brooking, brookite, brooklet, brooklyn, broomier, brooming, brothels, brothers, brothier, brougham, brouhaha, browbeat, browdyng, browless, brownest, brownian, brownier, brownies, browning, brownish, brownism, brownist, brownout, browpost, browsers, browsing, browspot, bruisers, bruising, bruiters, bruiting, brumaire, brunched, brunches, brunette, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushite, brushoff, brushups, bruskest, brusquer, brussels, brustled, brutally, brutisms, bryology, bryozoan, bryozoum, buansuah, bubaline, bubblers, bubblier, bubblies, bubbling, buccinal, buccinum, buchanan, buckaroo, buckbean, buckeroo, bucketed, bucketer, buckeyes, bucklers, buckling, buckrams, bucksaws, buckshot, buckskin, bucktail, bucolics, bucrania, budapest, buddhism, buddhist, budgeted, budgeter, buffable, buffalos, buffered, buffeted, buffeter, buffoons, bufonite, bugaboos, bugbanes, bugbears, buggered, buggiest, bughouse, bugseeds, buhlbuhl, buhlwork, builders, building, buildups, bukshish, bulgaria, bulgiest, bulimiac, bulimias, bulkages, bulkhead, bulkiest, bulldogs, bulldoze, bulleted, bulletin, bullfice, bullfist, bullfrog, bullhead, bullhorn, bullions, bullirag, bullneck, bullnose, bullocks, bullpens, bullpout, bullring, bullrush, bullshit, bullweed, bullwhip, bullwort, bullyboy, bullying, bullyrag, bulwarks, bumbarge, bumblers, bumbling, bumboats, bumpered, bumpiest, bumpkins, bunchier, bunchily, bunching, buncoing, buncombe, bundlers, bundling, bungalow, bungarum, bunghole, bunglers, bungling, bunkered, bunkmate, bunkoing, buntings, buntline, buoyages, buoyance, buoyancy, burblers, burblier, burbling, burdened, burdener, burdocks, burettes, burgamot, burganet, burgeois, burgeons, burghers, burglars, burglary, burgling, burgonet, burgouts, burgrass, burgrave, burgundy, burinist, burlesks, burletta, burliest, burnable, burnings, burnoose, burnouts, burrowed, burrower, burschen, burseeds, bursitis, bursters, bursting, burthens, burweeds, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushless, bushment, bushtits, bushwack, business, buskined, bustards, bustiest, bustlers, bustling, busybody, busyness, busywork, butchers, butchery, buttered, butteris, buttocks, buttoned, buttoner, buttress, buttweld, butylene, butyrate, butyrone, butyrous, buxomest, buzzards, buzzword, bylander, byliners, bylining, bypassed, bypasses, byssuses, bystreet
A very common 1,4,3 phrase is:
I love you