missed connections in Manhattan
Good night
Lone star
Still think of you
A pinpoint of light
In my vacant sky
Not for me to reach
Nor to wonder why
Sweet dreams…
From Anchorage to Zebulon: In Search of Missed Connections
Lone star
Still think of you
A pinpoint of light
In my vacant sky
Not for me to reach
Nor to wonder why
Sweet dreams…
I was playing harmonica on the 1 train platform under Times Square.
I saw you watching me, so I did my best to put on a good show.
When the train came you dropped a five dollar bill in my bucket.
I saw you look back at me when you got on board, but a second later you were lost in the crowd.
I’ve eaten nothing but rice and beans for three straight days.
I took your money and bought a pizza. It was delicious.
if i can think of starlight as pinholes
in a black felt bindle
so too can i see snowflakes in headlights
as a field of starlight
through which i’m plummeting;
all this
cold winter air,
its law of seclusion, is just
the medium
and i’m the transmission.
i must
be going
you, mired in fog:
i want to happen to you
like a sunshower
Missed Connections in Manhattan, NY
Unrequited Haiku
Your smile, eyes, face, play
cat and mouse within my thoughts.
My heart surrenders.
Every Wednesday at 12noon Lovelorn Poets offers the Lunch-time Missed Connections Haiku Special. Well, for those of you on the east coast it’ll be lunch time. West-coasters will have haiku for breakfast. Maybe someone could try to condense what I just wrote into a haiku! Post a comment or email your ideas to saysomething@lovelornpoets.com.
Missed Connections in New York City
Romantic Haiku
Walk in love’s shadow
suffering sweet misery.
Assent to love’s light.
Every Wednesday at 12noon Lovelorn Poets offers the Lunch-time Missed Connections Haiku Special. Well, for those of you on the east coast it’ll be lunch time. West-coasters will have haiku for breakfast. Maybe someone could try to condense what I just wrote into a haiku! Post a comment or email your ideas to saysomething@lovelornpoets.com.