Beautiful Girl at the Bakery
Missed Connections in Santa Fe / Taos
You, with your hair and your face and your eyes and magic inside,
would have inspired Shakespeare to write an entirely different sort of play
one about two girls
falling for each other
amid electrical storms and swirling leaves.
this play would have no death
except the release of old wounds and brittle fears.
it would inspire millions of people across hundred of generations
in the midst of a raging battle with advancing armies
to suddenly go still;
to put down their swords and shrug off their armor;
to lay on the dark grass and exhale, weeping their eyes clear;
and tenderly, with care, to crack open their tired hearts to a new love.
this play would not be taught in schools.
the governments would ban it, burn it, try to destroy the dangerously liberating magic it possesses.
and yet, it would come into the hands of those willing to receive it.
these people would memorize Shakespeare’s lines and commit themselves to living in truth.
they would leave their homes, their jobs, their prisons, and embrace their new lives as prophets of love.
they would find others.
they would find the places where magic dwells,
and in the dusky nights by the light of trashcan fires on the outskirts of cities,
they would tell the story of these two girls,
dancing into love with each other
amid electrical storms and swirling leaves
hair whipped around their faces by strong winds and laughing mountains,
eyes locked,
bodies magnetized.
Her Two Cents from the Missed Connections Chief Bottle-Finder:
Today, Santa Fe as our missed connections featured location. This love poem immediately grabbed my attention as it’s both passionate and impassioned. I was recently asked a question about why names and genders are typically left out of the messages I post – and the answer is simple: I would prefer that readers enjoy the words without any bias. However, in this case the sexuality of the writer and the recipient are made plain and clear – and in my opinion that makes the piece all the more beautiful and bold. Enjoy!